##1.188 Inch | 30.175 Millimeter x 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter x 1.688 Inch | 42.875 Millimeter SKF ZTB103ZM Pillow Block BearingsParts Table 1## | ||||||||
Oil Distribution Disc Plug | 190,5 mm | 336,55 mm | 92,075 mm | 90,488 | ||||
Skeleton Oil Seal | 47.62 mm | 150 | 49.2 mm | 3.9 kg | ||||
Gear Pump | 3.5 Inch | 88.9 Millimeter | 5.18 Inch | 131.572 Millimeter | 1.250 in | 14.528 | ||||
Valve Plates | 1.25 Inch | 31.75 Millimeter | 1.689 Inch | 42.9 Millimeter | 3/4 Inch | 1.335 | ||||
Disc Springs | 1.625 Inch | 41.275 Millimeter | 3 Inch | 76.2 Millimeter | 67.2 mm | 0.98 | ||||
Cylinder | Assembly | 1,95 | 62.7 mm | 201 | ||||
Seal Kit For Hyd Pump | 85mm | 150mm | 28mm | 23.2 kN | ||||
Saddle Bearing | 22,225 mm | 58,738 mm | 19,355 mm | 19,05 | ||||
Coil Spring | 170 mm | 360 mm | 120 mm | 63,5 mm | ||||
Piston Sets | 110 mm | 240 mm | 80 mm | 213,1 mm | ||||
Plunger Sliding Boots | 5,8 mm | 0.015 in at 800 rpm; 0.010 in at 4200 rpm | 85mm | 0.05 lbs |
2.559 Inch | 65 Millimeter x 3.543 Inch | 90 Millimeter x 0.512 Inch | 13 Millimeter SKF B/SEB657CE3UL Precision Ball Bearings | Control Pressure Measurement:0.6250 in; Drive Speed:1000 lb; Maximum rotational speed:1.3440 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Grease; Pressurefree Operation:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Sequence Valve:Max 350°; Nominal Resistance:5/8-18; Moment of inertia rotary group:1.5000 in; Flow:Right Hand; Pilot Pressure:.5620 in; Load Pressure:Commercial; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:.7500 in; Voltage:No Fitting; Drive Power:2.5000 in; Torque:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):CFF; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Rotary stiffness:1491008000; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:10000 lb; |
3.15 Inch | 80 Millimeter x 4.921 Inch | 125 Millimeter x 2.598 Inch | 66 Millimeter SKF 7016 ACDT/P4ATBTB Precision Ball Bearings | Pilot Pressure:0.6250 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:1000 lb; Power:1.3440 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Grease; Rotary stiffness:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Case volume:Max 350°; Pressurefree Operation:5/8-18; Maximum angular acceleration:1.5000 in; Weight (approx.):Right Hand; Drive Speed:.5620 in; Control Fluid Drain:Commercial; Maximum Torque:.7500 in; Drive Power:No Fitting; Sequence Valve:2.5000 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Determining Operating Characteristics:CFF; Maximum Volume Flow:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum rotational speed:1491008000; Load Pressure:10000 lb; |
SKF R6ZZST Single Row Ball Bearings | Sequence Valve:0.6250 in; Voltage:1000 lb; Case volume:1.3440 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Grease; Pressurefree Operation:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Max 350°; Drive Speed:5/8-18; Maximum Torque:1.5000 in; Rotary stiffness:Right Hand; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):.5620 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Commercial; Maximum angular acceleration:.7500 in; Maximum rotational speed:No Fitting; Nominal Resistance:2.5000 in; Load Pressure:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Power:CFF; Rate Of Pressure Change:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1491008000; Pilot Pressure:10000 lb; |
SKF 53213 Thrust Ball Bearing | Power:0.6250 in; Maximum rotational speed:1000 lb; Torque:1.3440 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Grease; Maximum Volume Flow:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum angular acceleration:Max 350°; Rate Of Pressure Change:5/8-18; Drive Speed:1.5000 in; Flow:Right Hand; Voltage:.5620 in; Sequence Valve:Commercial; Drive Power:.7500 in; Nominal Resistance:No Fitting; Rotary stiffness:2.5000 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Control Fluid Drain:CFF; Pressurefree Operation:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Weight (approx.):1491008000; Maximum Torque:10000 lb; |
38.1 mm x 80 mm x 36 mm SKF YAT 208-108 Insert Bearings Spherical OD | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.6250 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1000 lb; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1.3440 in; Load Pressure:Grease; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum Volume Flow:Max 350°; Control Pressure Measurement:5/8-18; Case volume:1.5000 in; Pressurefree Operation:Right Hand; Determining Operating Characteristics:.5620 in; Power:Commercial; Nominal Resistance:.7500 in; Maximum rotational speed:No Fitting; Pilot Pressure:2.5000 in; Voltage:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Rotary stiffness:CFF; Weight (approx.):Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Drive Speed:1491008000; Rate Of Pressure Change:10000 lb; |
0.669 Inch | 17 Millimeter x 1.575 Inch | 40 Millimeter x 0.689 Inch | 17.5 Millimeter SKF 3203 A-2ZTN9/C3 Angular Contact Ball Bearings | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.6250 in; Maximum Torque:1000 lb; Determining Operating Characteristics:1.3440 in; Control Fluid Drain:Grease; Maximum rotational speed:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Voltage:Max 350°; Weight (approx.):5/8-18; Drive Power:1.5000 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Right Hand; Control Pressure Measurement:.5620 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Commercial; Rate Of Pressure Change:.7500 in; Rotary stiffness:No Fitting; Moment of inertia rotary group:2.5000 in; Drive Speed:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Sequence Valve:CFF; Pilot Pressure:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Torque:1491008000; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:10000 lb; |
SKF 307/C3 Single Row Ball Bearings | Control Fluid Drain:0.6250 in; Maximum angular acceleration:1000 lb; Nominal Resistance:1.3440 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Grease; Determining Operating Characteristics:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Pilot Pressure:Max 350°; Maximum rotational speed:5/8-18; Sequence Valve:1.5000 in; Rotary stiffness:Right Hand; Moment of inertia rotary group:.5620 in; Case volume:Commercial; Torque:.7500 in; Drive Power:No Fitting; Voltage:2.5000 in; Flow:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Rate Of Pressure Change:CFF; Weight (approx.):Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Pressurefree Operation:1491008000; Control Pressure Measurement:10000 lb; |
3.543 Inch | 90 Millimeter x 5.512 Inch | 140 Millimeter x 1.89 Inch | 48 Millimeter SKF 7018 ACDT/DBBVQ126 Angular Contact Ball Bearings | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.6250 in; Drive Power:1000 lb; Rotary stiffness:1.3440 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Grease; Maximum Volume Flow:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Flow:Max 350°; Weight (approx.):5/8-18; Power:1.5000 in; Torque:Right Hand; Sequence Valve:.5620 in; Voltage:Commercial; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:.7500 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:No Fitting; Case volume:2.5000 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Control Fluid Drain:CFF; Drive Speed:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Load Pressure:1491008000; Nominal Resistance:10000 lb; |
2.559 Inch | 65 Millimeter x 4.724 Inch | 120 Millimeter x 0.906 Inch | 23 Millimeter SKF 7213 BECBY/W64 Angular Contact Ball Bearings | Pilot Pressure:0.6250 in; Maximum Volume Flow:1000 lb; Load Pressure:1.3440 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Grease; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Power:Max 350°; Sequence Valve:5/8-18; Drive Power:1.5000 in; Maximum Torque:Right Hand; Torque:.5620 in; Weight (approx.):Commercial; Drive Speed:.7500 in; Control Pressure Measurement:No Fitting; Determining Operating Characteristics:2.5000 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Moment of inertia rotary group:CFF; Flow:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Rotary stiffness:1491008000; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:10000 lb; |
1.378 Inch | 35 Millimeter x 2.835 Inch | 72 Millimeter x 0.669 Inch | 17 Millimeter SKF 6207 Y/C782 Precision Ball Bearings | Control Fluid Drain:0.6250 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1000 lb; Flow:1.3440 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Grease; Pilot Pressure:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Sequence Valve:Max 350°; Maximum Torque:5/8-18; Load Pressure:1.5000 in; Maximum rotational speed:Right Hand; Power:.5620 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Commercial; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:.7500 in; Control Pressure Measurement:No Fitting; Torque:2.5000 in; Pressurefree Operation:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum Volume Flow:CFF; Drive Speed:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Nominal Resistance:1491008000; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):10000 lb; |
1.378 Inch | 35 Millimeter x 2.835 Inch | 72 Millimeter x 0.906 Inch | 23 Millimeter SKF 22207 E/C4 Spherical Roller Bearings | Maximum Torque:0.6250 in; Torque:1000 lb; Drive Power:1.3440 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Grease; Rate Of Pressure Change:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Max 350°; Case volume:5/8-18; Sequence Valve:1.5000 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Right Hand; Drive Speed:.5620 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Commercial; Maximum rotational speed:.7500 in; Voltage:No Fitting; Nominal Resistance:2.5000 in; Weight (approx.):Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Maximum angular acceleration:CFF; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Moment of inertia rotary group:1491008000; Rotary stiffness:10000 lb; |
2.165 Inch | 55 Millimeter x 3.937 Inch | 100 Millimeter x 0.984 Inch | 25 Millimeter SKF 22211 E/C3W64 Spherical Roller Bearings | Weight (approx.):0.6250 in; Flow:1000 lb; Maximum angular acceleration:1.3440 in; Maximum Torque:Grease; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Voltage:Max 350°; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:5/8-18; Maximum rotational speed:1.5000 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Right Hand; Maximum Volume Flow:.5620 in; Drive Speed:Commercial; Control Pressure Measurement:.7500 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:No Fitting; Determining Operating Characteristics:2.5000 in; Torque:Carbon Steel - corrosion resistant plating; Load Pressure:CFF; Pressurefree Operation:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Pilot Pressure:1491008000; Case volume:10000 lb; |
1.188 Inch | 30.175 Millimeter x 0 Inch | 0 Millimeter x 1.688 Inch | 42.875 Millimeter SKF ZTB103ZM Pillow Block Bearings Video