##1.575 Inch | 40 Millimeter x 1.417 Inch | 36 Millimeter x 1.937 Inch | 49.2 Millimeter IPTCI SBP 208 40MM G Pillow Block BearingsParts Table 1## | ||||||||
Skeleton Oil Seal | 50,8 mm | 3,8 Kg | 0.01 | 55,6 mm | ||||
Back Plate | Available | SPBL | 14,4 | 19.522 | ||||
Pump Right Rotating Group | 3.543 Inch | 90 Millimeter | 19.522 | 4.03 Inch | 102.362 Millimeter | 3.74 Inch | 95 Millimeter | ||||
Shafts | 3.346 Inch | 85 Millimeter | 19.068 | 5.18 Inch | 131.572 Millimeter | Normal Duty | ||||
Swash Plate | 3.15 Inch | 80 Millimeter | 2.9 | 5.512 Inch | 140 Millimeter | 2.047 Inch | 52 Millimeter | ||||
Separator | Deep Groove Ball Bearings | 0.073 | Non-Spring Loaded Seal For Grease Retention | 50,8 mm | ||||
Shoe Plates | 50 mm | 782476035037 | 65 mm | 55,6 mm | ||||
Servo Piston | QAPF18A090SET | 20 lb | 3.15 Inch | 80 Millimeter | 49 | ||||
Set Plate | 1.65 N/mm2 x m/s | QAPF18A090SET | 9.5 Inch | 241 Millimeter | Yes | ||||
Piston Shoe | 20mm | 7500 1/min / Limiting speed for grease lubrication | 47mm | 18mm | ||||
Housings Casings | 0.8750 in | 3200 rpm | 55,6 mm | 2.047 Inch | 52 Millimeter | ||||
Regulator | 20 mm | 782476035037 | 52 mm | 18 mm | ||||
Press Pin | 105 mm | 500SP1 SL4 | 190 mm | 36 mm | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | 500SP1 SL4 | 0.06 lbs | Self Centering | Non-Expansion |
1.25 Inch | 31.75 Millimeter x 1.689 Inch | 42.9 Millimeter x 1.875 Inch | 47.63 Millimeter IPTCI SUCTP 207 20 N Pillow Block Bearings | Maximum Torque:120 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:C0; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:260 mm; Load Pressure:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Torque:55 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Brass; Pilot Pressure:(2) Outer Ring; Moment of inertia rotary group:Uncoated; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Straight; Power:Open; Control Fluid Drain:1; Sequence Valve:CD32; |
2 Inch | 50.8 Millimeter x 2.189 Inch | 55.6 Millimeter x 2.5 Inch | 63.5 Millimeter IPTCI UCP 211 32 Pillow Block Bearings | Voltage:120 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:C0; Maximum Volume Flow:260 mm; Case volume:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Drive Speed:55 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:Brass; Pilot Pressure:(2) Outer Ring; Load Pressure:Uncoated; Control Fluid Drain:Straight; Drive Power:Open; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1; Moment of inertia rotary group:CD32; |
IPTCI SUCNPFCS 211 32 Flange Block Bearings | Drive Power:120 mm; Maximum Volume Flow:C0; Case volume:260 mm; Maximum Torque:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Weight (approx.):55 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Brass; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:(2) Outer Ring; Torque:Uncoated; Moment of inertia rotary group:Straight; Load Pressure:Open; Flow:1; Sequence Valve:CD32; |
IPTCI NAT 206 17 Take Up Unit Bearings | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:120 mm; Maximum rotational speed:C0; Determining Operating Characteristics:260 mm; Drive Speed:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Rotary stiffness:55 mm; Sequence Valve:Brass; Rate Of Pressure Change:(2) Outer Ring; Maximum angular acceleration:Uncoated; Pressurefree Operation:Straight; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Open; Maximum Volume Flow:1; Maximum Torque:CD32; |
1.378 Inch | 35 Millimeter x 1.689 Inch | 42.9 Millimeter x 1.874 Inch | 47.6 Millimeter IPTCI UCP 207 35MM L3 Pillow Block Bearings | Power:120 mm; Pressurefree Operation:C0; Weight (approx.):260 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Drive Speed:55 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Brass; Torque:(2) Outer Ring; Determining Operating Characteristics:Uncoated; Load Pressure:Straight; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Open; Drive Power:1; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:CD32; |
IPTCI SUCTFB 206 30MM L3 Flange Block Bearings | Maximum rotational speed:120 mm; Voltage:C0; Torque:260 mm; Pressurefree Operation:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Nominal Resistance:55 mm; Sequence Valve:Brass; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:(2) Outer Ring; Moment of inertia rotary group:Uncoated; Rate Of Pressure Change:Straight; Load Pressure:Open; Drive Speed:1; Maximum Torque:CD32; |
IPTCI BUCNPFL 202 10 Flange Block Bearings | Determining Operating Characteristics:120 mm; Pilot Pressure:C0; Voltage:260 mm; Case volume:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):55 mm; Control Fluid Drain:Brass; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:(2) Outer Ring; Sequence Valve:Uncoated; Drive Power:Straight; Weight (approx.):Open; Maximum Volume Flow:1; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:CD32; |
IPTCI HUCNPF 206 30MM Flange Block Bearings | Load Pressure:120 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:C0; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:260 mm; Torque:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Pilot Pressure:55 mm; Nominal Resistance:Brass; Maximum Volume Flow:(2) Outer Ring; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Uncoated; Power:Straight; Maximum Torque:Open; Rotary stiffness:1; Maximum angular acceleration:CD32; |
1.25 Inch | 31.75 Millimeter x 1.902 Inch | 48.3 Millimeter x 1.688 Inch | 42.875 Millimeter IPTCI NAPA 206 20 Pillow Block Bearings | Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:120 mm; Control Fluid Drain:C0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):260 mm; Drive Power:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Pilot Pressure:55 mm; Flow:Brass; Load Pressure:(2) Outer Ring; Maximum Torque:Uncoated; Torque:Straight; Drive Speed:Open; Moment of inertia rotary group:1; Maximum Volume Flow:CD32; |
1 Inch | 25.4 Millimeter x 1.339 Inch | 34 Millimeter x 1.438 Inch | 36.525 Millimeter IPTCI HUCNPPA 205 16 Pillow Block Bearings | Maximum Volume Flow:120 mm; Maximum Torque:C0; Load Pressure:260 mm; Drive Speed:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Control Pressure Measurement:55 mm; Torque:Brass; Sequence Valve:(2) Outer Ring; Voltage:Uncoated; Pilot Pressure:Straight; Maximum angular acceleration:Open; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1; Weight (approx.):CD32; |
0.625 Inch | 15.875 Millimeter x 1.221 Inch | 31.013 Millimeter x 1.313 Inch | 33.35 Millimeter IPTCI BUCTP 202 10 Pillow Block Bearings | Maximum angular acceleration:120 mm; Case volume:C0; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):260 mm; Drive Speed:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Drive Power:55 mm; Pilot Pressure:Brass; Sequence Valve:(2) Outer Ring; Maximum Torque:Uncoated; Maximum rotational speed:Straight; Maximum Volume Flow:Open; Nominal Resistance:1; Pressurefree Operation:CD32; |
IPTCI SNASFCS 210 32 Flange Block Bearings | Drive Speed:120 mm; Pilot Pressure:C0; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:260 mm; Case volume:RBEC 1 (ISO Class Normal); Maximum Volume Flow:55 mm; Pressurefree Operation:Brass; Nominal Resistance:(2) Outer Ring; Torque:Uncoated; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Straight; Drive Power:Open; Rotary stiffness:1; Maximum rotational speed:CD32; |
1.575 Inch | 40 Millimeter x 1.417 Inch | 36 Millimeter x 1.937 Inch | 49.2 Millimeter IPTCI SBP 208 40MM G Pillow Block Bearings Video